PROMO  valid until 31 March
-30% on all plans for the first year
Hosting PROMO

Third level Host Pointers

How to manage multiple websites in a single hosting plan

0.00 + VAT/year + setup € + VAT/one-off

This is an additional service. To order an additional service you need to log in to the Control Panel. Once connected, click on Ordina Servizi Add-On (Order add-on services) in the menu on the left.

A third level Host Pointer allows you to create a separate, indipendent subdomain on a third-level domain of your domain name (e.g. This sub-domain will point to a specific folder on an existing website.

The third level Host Pointer service is suitable for creating independent subsections within your own website, for example in the case of a multilingual website.

Service features

  • DNS management of the third-level domain
  • Creation of a specific folder for the subdomain
  • Subdomain functioning independent from the main website