Smart Storage
Smart Storage: the secure, Italian storage for online backup accessible via FTP, FTPS, Rsync, S3 and others
Smart Storage services provide
online storage space on Enterprise Storage Area Network (SAN),
specifically designed or storing static content, typically large files or periodic backups for which you wish to maintain a history.
You can choose between two groups of services: the basic group, Smart Storage, which archives files in only one of our data centers (Florence or Rome),
and the Smart Storage Plus group, which archives the files simultaneously in both of our date Center (Florence and Rome).
The service includes various storage sizes, which can be dynamically expanded thanks to specific additional services.
Multi-protocol accessibility from Hosting Solutions' public and private network, for any device (pc, tablet, smartphone - guides available in the section
Guides - OnLine Storage).
In particular, accessibility from the public network is guaranteed using the protocols:
- FTP, WebFTP, FTPS, using applications such as FileZilla (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), AndFTP (Android), FTPManager (iOS), etc
- Rsync, using the rsync command from Linux O.S. and the DeltaCopy application from Windows
- S3, using applications such as Dragon Disk (for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), S3Anyware (Android), or by building your own applications using the appropriate programming interfaces: see S3 API for php and Java guides
From Hosting Solutions' private network (e.g. from a dedicated server or from a VPS server at Hosting Solutions), accessibility is guaranteed using the well-known protocols:
Hosting Solutions' storage services are flexible: you can use the storage as a single user or divide the purchased package among several users, to whom you can assign permissions in different ways (read only, write only, read and write).
Hosting Solutions' storage services are also suitable for resale and can be activated via API.