Domain Registration
Choose from hundreds of extensions and register your domain!
Domain registration or transfer
- 4 DNS servers with geographical redundancy (Florence, Rome, Catania)
- Independent management of all DNS records with control panel (nelle guide: DNS configuration and management, DNS configuration and management: bulk operation)
- Private Whois (optional)
- Courtesy page "Under Construction" (example here)
Homepage Editor
- Free, activated from the control panel
- Allows you to replace the "under construction" page with a web page created via a HTML WYSIWYG editor
Things to know before buying a domain
Before purchasing a domain, it is necessary to be aware that:- a domain cannot be purchased for fractions of a year : the minimum period is one year and it can also be purchased for several consecutive years.
- a domain can be of Premium type (domains with high commercial value): its price will be an ad-hoc price (by decision of the competent registry) and will differ significantly from the price normally applied to the extension. For details on the procedure for purchasing this type of domain, please refer to our service regulations: Purchase Premium Domains - Prices and registration.
- in general, the domain registration service is activated only when the activation email has been received or if the activation notice is visible in the control panel. Cases in which the domain registration requires additional documentation are excluded, as indicated on the page of our website regarding the extension of the domain ordered. This documentation will be requested after receiving the activation email: in this case, the domain registration will only be completed after the Registry has received and approved the additional documentation requested.
How is the domain price calculated?
It is important to know that, generally, the price of a domain can vary depending on the commercial policy of the registrar of reference (a company that manages and regulates a specific domain extension, for example NIC for .it or VERISIGN for .com, .net, etc.) and on the dollar/euro exchange rate.
The price of the domain is calculated on the total number of active domains (regardless of their extension) + the number of domains placed in the shopping cart. The total number of active domains will also include the other services of the domain category, such as the 'Domain + 1 Email' or 'Domain + Redirect' services.
Example 1 - You are a new customer and you buy 21 domains in one go: the price applied will be that of the 21-50 domain range. Subsequently, by purchasing (or renewing) even a single domain, you will keep the price of this range.
Example 2 - You have 45 active domains and you add 6 more: these last 6 will have the price of the 51-100 range. Subsequently, the purchase or renewal of domains will be charged at the price of this range.
Discounts on the domains registration
The domain registration service offers the possibility to benefit from two types of discounts:
- Quantity discount: the price of a domain depends directly on the quantity of domains purchased, as each extension has distinct pricing tiers based on purchase volumes. These prices decrease as the number of domains purchased within the same extension increases. The purchase tiers are: 0-20, 21-50, 51-100, 101-500, 501-1000, and 1001+.
- Payment method discount: when purchasing with the Prepay payment method, you can access the same discounted price tiers mentioned above regardless of the number of domains purchased. Some examples:
- By purchasing the PrePay package for 250 euros, you can access the 21-50 domain discount tier;
- By purchasing the PrePay package for 500 euros, you can access the 51-100 domain discount tier;
- By purchasing the PrePay package for 1000 euros, you can access the 101-500 domain discount tier.