Electronic Invoicing

Electronic Invoicing Services

Electronic Invoicing Services (also simplified) with Legal Digital Archiving (Conservazione Sostitutiva) and Digital Signature for companies, professionals, accountants, resellers, software houses.

As of January 2019, all economic operators (companies, professionals) have the obligation to use electronic invoicing, not only towards the Public Administration but also between private parties (B2B electronic invoicing).

Given its experience in delivering web services, Hosting Solutions offers a complete set of services for the secure and automatic management of the electronic invoicing process, providing Electronic Invoicing, Invoice Legal Digital Archiving and Digital Signature for Resellers and Individual Companies.

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Web control panel
Documents Digital signature
Communication with Online Exchange System (SDI)
Active and passive cycle management
Importing invoices from external systems
Legal Digital Archiving (10 years)
App for mobile devices (Android, iOS)

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Web control panel
Documents Digital signature
Communication with Online Exchange System (SDI)
Active and passive cycle management
Importing invoices from external systems
Legal Digital Archiving (10 years)
Dynamic distribution of resources among companies
API/Web-Service for integration with external applications
App for mobile devices (Android, iOS)

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What is the Electronic Invoice?

An electronic invoice is an XML file that contains all (and only) the data of an invoice. The format of the xml file is a standard defined in the Revenue Agency's order of 30/04/2018 and therefore suitable to be read and interpreted by software. In the form of an electronic invoice, therefore, the invoice loses its physical nature (paper), necessarily changing both the method of delivery to the customer and the method of storage (it is no longer necessary to store paper invoices).

How to view an electronic invoice

The electronic invoice was created to be interpreted exclusively by software (program), so it is not suitable to be read like any other document. For this reason, Hosting Solutions has made a simple, free tool available at the following link to view the invoice in xml format and make it easier to read: Electronic Invoice - Viewing and Printing.
Thanks to this tool, the electronic invoice can be viewed like a normal document and, if necessary, can also be printed.

What is Legal Digital Archiving?

Legal Digital Archiving (Conservazione Sostitutiva) is the process of preserving an electronic document in accordance with the law for 10 years; with legal digital archiving, paper documents lose their legal value, which is acquired by the electronic document.

All electronic invoices (active and passive cycle) must therefore undergo the process of electronic storage in order to be legally archived.

In addition to electronic invoices, it is possible to digitally archive tax documents and ledgers such as, for example:

  • invoices for sale and purchase of materials
  • transport documents and delivery notes
  • tax and VAT return forms
  • F24 payment forms
  • sales and purchase VAT registers
  • receipts register
  • accounting ledgers

These paper tax documents, before being legally archived, must undergo the dematerialisation process that converts paper documents into electronic documents: the latter will legally replace the paper original.

What we offer

Our services are designed to fulfil obligations and simplify all management activities and they provide:

Basic plan for single or multi-company

  • Web control panel to fully manage sending and archiving procedures.
  • Digital signature application (by Genesys Informatica) on the uploaded documents to be sent to the SDI system.
  • Communication service with the Interchange System (SDI – Sistema di Interscambio): sending invoices to the online exchange system and managing return messages.
  • Management of the active and passive invoicing cycle.
  • Import invoices from all management systems and from the "tax box" (Cassetto Fiscale) of the Inland Revenue Authority.
  • Full management of simplified invoices.
  • Legal Digital Archiving of invoices and dematerialised documents in general for 10 years in accordance with the law.
  • API/Web-Service: availability of software interfaces (API) to integrate all the functionalities of our system with external and/or pre-existing applications (multi-company only).
  • App for mobile devices (Android, iOS): allows viewing of all active and passive invoices and receiving notifications, outcomes and receipts. In addition, for those who have also purchased the invoice generator module, the app provides the simplified invoice generator module to fill out a simplified electronic invoice directly from the mobile device.
  • NEW For those using management systems that do not allow web services, that is to say, to interface directly via HTTP API with our electronic invoicing system, a specific software is available, compatible with most operating systems, to manage the 'communication' between the management system and our invoicing system. Once installed locally on your PC and configured, the software will retrieve the invoices from a predefined folder, send them to SDI via our invoicing system and return the outcome in appropriate files. This software is granted for use by customers of our electronic invoicing system who request it.

Modules for additional functionalities to the basic plan.

  • Additional module to generate electronic invoices: service to manually create electronic invoices, 1 module per end user.
  • Additional module to fully manage Orders from the Public Administration.
  • Additional module for Republic of San Marino operators.

Electronic invoice generator module

The module to generate electronic invoices allows you to create a new electronic invoice; it also allows you to create a customer address book and an item list, as well as to view the list of invoices already issued.
The simplified e-invoice generator app is also available for those who have purchased this module: it allows the user to fill in a simplified e-invoice directly from the mobile device on which it is installed.

The electronic invoice generator module can be purchased as an additional service to the Safe Invoice B2B electronic invoicing service.

Module to fully manage Public Administration Purchase Orders

In february 2020, the new method of handling Public Administration Purchase Orders (OdA - Ordini di Acquisto) came into force and must be done electronically through the NSO (Nodo Smistamento Ordini) system.
The Safe Invoice B2B services, through a specific additional module, allow you to fully manage the transmission and reception of purchase orders and responses. Specifically, our services allow you to:

  • manage a simple order
  • manage a complete order
  • create and manage a pre-agreed order

The NSO add-on modules can be purchased as additional services to the electronic invoicing service from our control panel.

Module for Republic of San Marino operators

Additional module to enable a company to interface with the hub-sm of the Republic of San Marino.

Module for electronic receipts

Additional module to Safe Invoice B2B services for generating and sending electronic receipts

Who is it addressed to?

Listed below are some examples of the people our offer is addressed to. We also provide an example of which plan is appropriate for the type of Client.

  • Resellers and software houses that already provide their customers with a system (ERP, management software, etc.) that produces electronic invoices. The Reseller, therefore, can integrate (via API/Web-Service) the basic Hosting Solutions service, thus completing the Customer's electronic invoicing process.
  • Accountant who manages electronic invoicing for several companies/professionals. By purchasing the Multi-Company service, the Accountant can immediately complete the e-invoicing process of his customers through a single web interface, or he can integrate (via API/Web-Service) in his system the functionalities of the basic service, automating and completing the e-invoicing process.
  • Single company/Single professional. The single company or professional can acquire the full system for managing the electronic invoicing process by purchasing a basic plan (Single Company) plus the module for generating electronic invoices.