
Administrative data

Our administrative data and payment methods.

Company data

Genesys Informatica srl
Via dei Cattani 224/18 50145 - Florence
Cod. Fiscale, P. IVA e Iscriz. Reg. Imprese Firenze 02002750483
CCIAA Firenze REA 361534
Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v.

Bank details - for payments from Italy

For payments by bank transfer:
Genesys Informatica S.r.l.
UniCredit Banca S.p.A.
IBAN: IT 09 D 02008 02838 000004776322

For payments by postal order:
Postal Current Account Genesys Informatica Srl.
C/C 16445504


  • To speed up the activation time, in the case of payments by bank transfer or postal order, please send us a copy of the payment receipt by e-mail to
  • Payment by bank transfer or postal order is available only for purchases from Italy. Orders from abroad can be paid by credit card or PayPal.