Antispam Filters
Protect your inbox from junk mail
Emails included in hosting services can benefit from spam filters with Bayesian control, if activated. The activation of the spam filters is done from the ServerMate control panel, through a specific function found in the email settings of the hosting service in question.
Features and benefits
Filter level
When sorting emails, the server compares the content of each message with certain criteria and associates a score to the message.
The higher the score associated with the message, the more likely it is to be SPAM.In the settings of the SPAM service, you can define the score above which the message is to be considered SPAM: obviously, the lower this value is, the more restrictive and stringent the filter, so the greater the number of emails identified as SPAM.
Leaving, on the other hand, a high filter level will allow you to receive more unwanted messages as good, but you will avoid receiving good messages marked as SPAM.
Whitelist and Blacklist
The service allows you to define a list of email addresses or domains from which to always accept messages, without applying a spam filter: this list is called Whitelist.
On the other hand, if the list of email addresses or domains defines senders from whom messages should always be rejected, then it is called a Blacklist.
Edit Message Subject
Choose this option if you want to mark suspected spam messages by adding a text string to the beginning of the message subject . The added text is customizable. By creating an inbox rule in your email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.), you can move messages directly into a special folder, considerably speeding up the time spent consulting your emails.
Convert SPAM into attachment
By default, any message intercepted beyond the filter level is converted into a new message, encapsulated in an attachment. This technique allows you to protect yourself against malicious scripts transmitted via email which, encapsulated in the attachment, will no longer be launched when the email is opened. For additional security, you can choose to convert the message into a text-only attachment.
By not converting the message into an attachment, this will arrive unaltered, except for the subject line, which has been modified according to the criteria of the previous point.
Always add a report
When the option Convert to attachment is not selected, messages marked as spam will include a report in the header, called X-Spam-Report. If the Always add report option is used, this will also be added to messages not marked as SPAM.
Short reports
By enabling this option, messages will include a shortened version of the spam report. This feature is particularly useful when not using the attachment conversion function.
Add headers
Enabling this option will add the X-Header of the antispam program with the spam status to the message header.
Leave spam on the server
The settings of the Antispam service provide the option to leave spam messages on the server. The Antispam filter, in addition to marking messages, will automatically move them from the “inbox” folder to a special “spam” folder, to avoid having to download them on your computer. To enable manual checking for false positives, which is useful when setting the filter level, this folder will be accessible via the IMAP protocol or via Webmail. Messages moved to the spam folder will be automatically deleted from the server after 30 days or if the size of the mailbox reaches 80% of its intended size.