General terms and conditions of use of our services

Services Upgrade

Find out how to evolve your services

If the features of the purchased service no longer meet your needs or if you wish to use resources/functions not included in the service, it is possible to upgrade to a new service, independently, by accessing the control panel.

Easy Upgrade and Hard Upgrade

There are two types of upgrades: Easy Upgrade and Hard Upgrade. The difference between them is that the Hard Upgrade requires a new activation procedure (which you need, for example, when you buy a new service), while the Easy Upgrade does not.

Easy Upgrade, in fact, does not require an activation procedure, nor does it require the service to be moved to a new server, but only a change in the administrative characteristics of the service. Therefore it does not imply any setup costs, but only the cost of the difference between the two fees.

The Hard Upgrade is a more complex procedure, both administratively and operationally (e.g. it may require moving the service to a new server, installing software, setup tasks) and is performed when the service is to be implemented as if for the first time. The cost of this procedure, therefore, certainly includes the difference between the fees, but may also include a one-off activation cost for all setup tasks .

Processing Times

The time required for an upgrade procedure varies from 1 to 5 days, depending on the type of service associated with the plan involved in the procedure.


The cost of the upgrade consists of two elements:

  1. difference in fee between the two services, recalculated for the remaining fraction of the period for which the service was purchased.
  2. one-off setup: the cost of the technical and administrative intervention, applied only in case of Hard Upgrade.

1. The fee

The difference between the fees for the two services on an annual basis will be spread over the remaining period until the service in question expires.


You have purchased a Silver hosting plan at an annual cost of € 65 and after eight months you want to upgrade to a Gold hosting plan that costs € 130; in this case, you will only need to pay the difference between the two fees for the time remaining to cover the year; therefore, you will need to pay the difference between the plans divided by 12 (months) and multiplied by 4 (the months remaining until expiry).
(130-65) / 12 = 5,42 € - monthly difference between the fees
5,42 x 4 = 21,70 € - total difference to be paid for the remaining months
Obviously, when the annual fee is renewed after four months, the amount to be paid will be the full price of the new plan, which is € 130.

2. The setup

The setup, if any, covers any technical intervention required to carry out the upgrade; this generally has a one off cost of € 10,00 + VAT. It includes the activation of a new service and the cancellation of the old one.

Host Pointer Upgrade (partitions of a multi-domain plan)

The upgrade of a single Host Pointer to a Host Pointer Plus is an Easy Upgrade, while the upgrade of a Host Pointer to a hosting plan is a Hard Upgrade.


You want to upgrade a Host Pointer that expires after 6 months to a Gold Hosting plan (Hard Upgrade). The Host Pointer costs € 35/year, while the Gold Hosting plan costs € 130/year, so the cost of the upgrade is
€ [(130 - 35) / 12] x 6 10 € (setup) = 57,5 €.


  1. Upgrades often require a change of server, resulting in a change of IP address and access data. In most cases, a new web space on a new server will be provided following an upgrade request.
  2. The transfer of a website to a new plan is always the responsibility of the Customer.
  3. Once the access data for the new plan has been provided, the data of the old plan will be removed automatically, along with all additional services and/or service data. We therefore encourage Customers to save the contents (files) of the old plan before proceeding with the upgrade. Recovery of files from any backup support is not provided.
  4. Some services, such as statistics or other server-related programs, will be discontinued. When changing servers, therefore, the data of these programs will be reset as after a new installation.

After a few days, the old plan will be deleted.

During the upgrade procedures, the email services will always remain active, but the website may suffer interruptions due to DNS updates. We will keep the old website up and running, so propagation delays will not have a negative impact, however you may be unreachable if you delay the correct publication of the website and if the DNS updates itself before your pages are on the new server.