Domain Names
The starting point for your online project
Domains Section

Homepage Editor

Create the homepage of your domain now!

With every registered or transferred domain, Hosting Solutions provides you with a free editor to easily create your own homepage.

This new editor allows you to create a beautiful, modern, efficient and, above all, optimised homepage to be displayed on any device, both mobile and desktop.

Having a customized homepage on every registered domain, even if the domain is not active, is important for many reasons:

  • SEO indexing: inserting content linked to your domain helps search engines to find your domain.
  • Branding: including, for example, your logo and contact information on the homepage makes your online presence immediately recognisable and available.
  • Convenience and security: with a customized, efficient and modern homepage, you can cover the period of transition to a definitive and complete website or web project.

The Homepage Editor can be reached from the ServerMate control panel by clicking on the domain of interest.

Below are some summary screenshots.

Main Screen

This image shows the main screen of the editor, on which users can find all the tools they need to create their own homepage.

Template Choice

Homepage Editor allows you to choose your graphic layout from a number of highly customizable graphic templates.

Display on tablets and smartphones

The editor allows you to create homepages optimised for all mobile devices. In the following images you can see an example of how the homepage is displayed on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.