New Domain Extensions (gTLD)
Know their classification in order to use them in the best possible way.
Since 2014, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has introduced around 700 new generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) extensions.
What are the types of new gTLDs?
ICANN's classification of new gTLDs is as follows.
Standard or Generic TLD (gTLD): this is the group of generic extensions, with no specific limits on either string size or content. They are in turn divided into categories by type of content.
- Commerce, e.g: .market, .markets, .moda, .money
- Culture, e.g: .arte, .hiphop, .theatre
- Education, e.g: .college, .institute, .school
- Food & Drink, e.g: .bar, .eat, .restaurant
- Government, e.g: .airforce, .army, .navy
- Health, e.g: .dental, .diet, .doctor
- Industry, e.g: .car, .construction, .solar
- Lifestyle, e.g: .beauty, .kids, .meet
- Media, e.g: .media, .movie, .press
- Professional, e.g: .architect, .broker, .consulting
- Real Estate, e.g: .casa, .immo, .realestate
- Sport, e.g: .baseball, .football, .rugby
- Technology, e.g: .cloud, .computer, .mobile
Community TLD: these are gTLDs restricted to specific communities, with high social impact. Examples are: .catholic, .thai, .aarp
Geographical TLD (geoTLD): these are reserved geographical TLDs, as they represent particular cities, regions. Examples are: .nyc, .berlin, .tokyo
Brand TLD: gTLDs for specific company brands and trademarks. Known examples: .unicef, .motorola, .hitachi, .deloitte
New gTLDs and Hosting Solutions
Hosting Solutions offers the new gTLD extensions introduced by ICANN: you can see the full list in our complete extensions price list.