
DNS configuration and management: bulk operation

Change the DNS configuration of all domains in bulk

The Operazioni Bulk DNS (Bulk DNS Operations) section of the ServerMate panel allows you, in a single operation, to manage the settings of all (or part) of the domains associated with the user connected to the panel.

To access this service, simply click on the Operazioni Bulk DNS item in the UTILITA' (Utility) menu.

You then access the list of domains where you can select those (all or part of them) you wish to apply changes to by simply ticking the selection box in the list.

Bulk editing allows you to perform operations on hundreds of domains at a time: you can perform up to a maximum of 10 operations simultaneously and add filters to select which domains to perform these operations on.

The operations available are:

  • Aggiungi Record (Add Record): adds a new DNS record.
  • Modifica Record (Edit Record): modifies an existing record.
  • Aggiungi o Modifica Record (Add or Edit Record): adds a specific record or allows editing, if it already exists.
  • Rimuovi un Record (Remove Record): removes an existing record.
  • Sostituisci IP/Host (Replace IP/Host): replaces a specific IP or Host in all records where it is found.
  • Sostituisci Nome di Record (Replace Record Name): replaces the name of a specific record.
  • Modifica TTL (Change TTL): changes the TTL of the selected domain zone.
  • Applica Template (Apply Template): applies a DNS record template, created using the DNS Template item in the UTILITA' menu.

The changes made are asynchronous (the time varies depending on the number of DNS changes required) and take place, as for the single change, by acting on the specified records or directly on the DNS zone.

Among the options offered by this feature is the possibility of configuring the individual subdomains of all new domains, registered or transferred, for your customers.