
Migration of Windows Server 2003 Hosting Plans to Windows Server 2012: general information and news

Following the end of Microsoft's official support for the Windows Server 2003 operating system (14 July 2015), Hosting Solutions strongly recommends migrating Windows Server 2003 (and earlier) hosting plans to the new Windows Server 2012; this transition does not cause any disruption or interruption to receiving/sending mail and to the website.

New features and functionalities of MS Windows Server 2012 servers

The new servers with Windows Server 2012 operating system support various features that can be set directly from the Master Control Panel; on the Hosting Solutions blog, you can read three articles that explain all the new features in detail:

Database Access

Windows Server 2012 is a less permissive operating system in the management of Access database connections, which is why in many cases Hosting Solutions recommends migrating to MySQL databases.

For details, please refer to the following page of the website: Migration Hosting Plans Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012: how to migrate a MS Access database to MySQL.

FrontPage extensions

FrontPage extensions will not be managed on the new servers. To migrate a domain that uses them, it will therefore be necessary to upgrade the service from the control panel - to one of the Hosting Plans with FrontPage.
For more details, read Hosting Windows 2012 R2 FrontPage

ASP.NET libraries on the new server

On Windows 2012 servers, ASP.NET libraries (.dll) must be placed in the Bin folder of the server. This can create an error in older applications that expect to find the libraries installed at the server level. To resolve the error, should it occur, simply place the .dll file in the Bin folder.

Replacing AspImage with ImageMagik

The "ServerObjects AspImage" component is obsolete and not supported on new Windows 2012 servers.

Alternatively, you can use the ImageMagick component (go to the ImageMagick site).

Below is an example of how to instantiate the component.

Dim img 
Set img = CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")

img.convert "TEST.jpg", "-resize", "100x500" , "TEST_thumb.jpg"

Set img = nothing

(In addition to the physical size of the image, a percentage value can be used).

To download the updated version of the component, visit the page binary-releases.php#window

Possible error: Object 424 required

In this case, verify that the ImageMagickObject folder is located in the ImageMagick program folder. If it is not, relaunch the program installation to install the add-on