
ServerMate Control Panel Login

How to log in to the ServerMate control panel and how to recover your login details

This guide describes the procedures

First access to the control panel

Step 1: Login to the user area

To access the Hosting Solutions ServerMate control panel, you need to log on to: The connection can also be made by clicking on the button Customer Area at the top right of all pages on the Hosting Solutions website.

Step 2: Login to the ServerMate control panel

After clicking on the User Area button, the control panel access mask will be loaded

Login to the ServerMate control panel

Enter the login credentials received by email when you first purchased a service from Hosting Solutions. The subject of the email is Access details to the Hosting Solutions control panel and contains login details, such as username and password, to be used in the login form. Below is an example of an email sent.

Gentile -------------

La presente per fornirle le credenziali di accesso al suo pannello di controllo Master:

1)Nome utente: --------
2)Password: ********

Può accedere al suo pannello di controllo direttamente dal seguente link:
o cliccando sul tasto 'Area Utenti' in alto a destra dell'Home Page del nostro sito Internet 

Ringraziandola della fiducia che ha voluto riservarci, salutiamo cordialmente e auguriamo buon lavoro

Cordiali saluti,

Genesys Informatica srl
Via de' Cattani 224/18, 50145 Firenze
Tel. 055 30312626
Fax. 055 30312210
Cod. Fiscale e P.IVA: 02002750483
CCIAA Firenze REA 361534 
Reg. Imprese 02002750483
Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v.

Once you have entered the credentials received, click on the Login button to enter the control panel pages. From now on, you will be able to access the panel with the same credentials.

Recover access details

If you no longer have your access credentials or the activation email mentioned above, or if you no longer remember your password, there is a credential recovery procedure, described below.

From the login screen (see Step 2 of the login procedure), click on the link Utente o Password MasterCP dimenticati? at the bottom, underneath the user and password fields.

Utente o Password MasterCP dimenticati

To activate the access data recovery procedure, you must provide the domain name (whitout www) or the customer code

access data recovery procedure

The customer code can be retrieved from any Hosting Solutions invoice (picture below, box circled in red)

customer code

Once you have filled in one of the fields, click on the Ricorda Password. The system will automatically send an email to the address you provided when subscribing to the service, after displaying the following message.

recovery message

In the email sent, there will be a link on which you can click to complete the data recovery procedure (image below).

email with recovery link

Clicking on the link in the email will take you to a confirmation page of the control panel (see below).

confirmation page

Following this confirmation, the system will send a new email al solito indirizzo, con oggetto "Ricorda password – Nuovi dati – domain name", which contains the new access data to the control panel (see image).

email with new access data to the control panel

t this point, the access data recovery procedure is complete and it is only necessary to use the data received as described in the first part of this guide, regarding First access to the control panel.