
Transfer of messages of a PEC mailbox

How to transfer the contents of a PEC mailbox while preserving the legal value of the messages

It is possible to transfer the contents of an existing certified email account to us, while preserving the legal value of the messages. The transfer is included in the certified e-mail service for @mypcert accounts and certified domains.

For this operation to be successful, a specific procedure must be followed, during which the mailbox to be transferred must remain active::

  • purchase one of our certified email services;
  • during the purchase phase, indicate that you wish to carry out a transfer of a certified account (in the notes field, before payment);
  • once the purchase has been made, open a ticket to request the migration of messages from the account to be transferred;
  • the new certification authority will send instructions for migrating the messages independently to the owner of the new PEC account;
  • when migration is complete, it is essential that the holder of the account requests the decertification of the transferred account to the current certification authority.

Once the old PEC account has been decertified, it is necessary to change the DNS zone for the new PEC account to function properly: this can be done independently from our control panel or by opening a ticket to customer support.

IMPORTANT The account to be transferred must remain active throughout the transfer procedure.