Smart Working and Teleworking
Customized solutions for small and large companies and PA (Public Administration)
Given the emergency related to the spread of the coronavirus, even those who have not yet faced the reality of teleworking may now find themselves in need of it. Hosting Solutions supports companies in the implementation of immediate and complete teleworking and smart working solutions.
What is Smart Working
Smart Working refers to "a form of execution of the employment relationship characterised by the absence of hourly or spatial constraints and an organisation by phases, cycles and objectives, established by agreement between employee and employer; a form that helps the worker to reconcile work and life times and, at the same time, encourage the growth of productivity. The definition of smart working, contained in Law no. 81/2017, places emphases organisational flexibility, the voluntary nature of the parties signing the individual agreement and the use of equipment that enable remote working (such as laptops, tablets and smartphones)" (source: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy).
A first necessity in the creation of a Smart Working platform, and therefore in making available one or more remote workstations, is to have infrastructure services for remote connection and backup.
The essential steps
To activate a teleworking and/or smart working platform quickly, the initial essential steps are:
- set up a secure VPN access point;
- interconnect company offices and remote workstations to the VPN.
- equip yourself with advanced information sharing tools (e.g. NextStorage based on Nextcloud platform);
- consider moving corporate assets (e.g. application and database servers, management servers) to the cloud.
Smart Working and Hosting Solutions
Hosting Solutions has been a provider of physical and virtual internet services (VPS, Cloud, dedicated servers) for many years. Thanks to the experience gained, Hosting Solutions can provide important support in identifying the services required for the platform to be activated and can provide - in a very short time - specific solutions such as VPN (e.g. virtual servers with openVPN), virtual and cloud servers, Managed Cloud services for complete infrastructures (e.g. Azure Managed Cloud, from infrastructure design to complete management), synchronization and file sharing services (e.g. NextStorage based on the Nextcloud platform), dedicated servers with remote access and backup services.
Invest in your company
There are companies that have not yet equipped themselves to work digitally and remotely : having never faced this type of investment, these companies may find themselves in difficulty, often because it is considered too expensive and demanding.
Hosting Solutions is available to support companies during the change (including Public Administrations), with professionalism and competence: contact us, we can offer you a customized solution at affordable prices.